Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2012

Build grails-app on travis-ci.org

I've just successfully configured a continous integration build of my new grails web application using travis-ci.org.

Travis-ci.org is a continuous integration service for the open source community. It is free to use and fully integrated with github. It supports multiple programming languages including java and groovy.

To get started with travis-ci.org log in using your github account and read the getting started tutorial.

Once you have activated your github repository you need to add a .travis.yml file to your repository containing the necessary build configuration settings for travis-ci to build your application.

For a grails application you can use the following .travis.yml configuration:

language: groovy

- oraclejdk7

- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:groovy-dev/grails
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install grails-2.1.1

script: grails test-app

Thanks to berngp@github for publishing gist!

3 Kommentare:

  1. Funny, I just gave up on open source JavaScript today. From the outside it looks fun, I think, to make a JavaScript library and contribute to countless others, which is why I wanted to try contributing a few days ago. I started watching a course on the long and strenuous process of contributing to a GitHub project, unit testing, npm releasing, and a bunch of other meaninglessly complicated steps. Long story short I spent the last 3 days of my life waiting for people to respond to my multiple issue tickets on GitHub because nothing works. Frameworks designed to make the process easier are broken and poorly documented, if documented at all, and there are myriads of bugs in open source software.

  2. Funny, I just gave up on open source JavaScript today. From the outside it looks fun, I think, to make a JavaScript library and contribute to countless others, which is why I wanted to try contributing a few days ago. I started watching a course on the long and strenuous process of contributing to a GitHub project, unit testing, npm releasing, and a bunch of other meaninglessly complicated steps. Long story short I spent the last 3 days of my life waiting for people to respond to my multiple issue tickets on GitHub because nothing works. Frameworks designed to make the process easier are broken and poorly documented, if documented at all, and there are myriads of bugs in open source software.

  3. I was wondering what editor you are using which includes the open directory structure on the left, as seen at 3:37 and many other points. Thanks!
